Mother’s Day - Thank You

For my two badass mommas on Mother’s Day: Thank you for teaching me that treating people with kindness and acceptance is always most important. Thank you for always bailing me out when I fail to be a responsible adult. Thank you for teaching me to never let someone tell me I can’t do something. Thank you for giving me three of the coolest siblings on the planet. Thank you for showing me what kind of marriage I want to have. Thank you for showing me what it looks like to do work that makes an impact in the world - both of you are literally changing the world with your work and leaving a legacy that is bigger than yourselves and I can only hope that I can make half the difference with my work as you both have with yours. You are my heroes. Thank you for always making me work for the things I want to accomplish and being my biggest cheerleaders. Thank you for being two badass women that I look up to and admire more than anyone I know. Thank you for being the kind of moms that I have always been able to come to about literally anything. Thank you for always pushing me to do what scares me and instilling in me a sense of fearlessness and idealism. Thank you for teaching me how to always love myself. Thank you for being hilarious and spontaneous and adventurous. Thank you for always accepting whoever I wanted to be in the world and whatever I wanted to do with my life. Thank you for being my moms.

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